Hello world!

Well, here goes nothing.  Hi Peeps.  My life as a blogger begins today.  So, in introduction…
My husband calls me Scroogy, and this has become more fitting a nickname than I’d like to admit.
Therefore, for better or worse, I am Scroogy. I’m a wife, a mom, a daughter/sister/niece/friend/neighbor.  I’m also an aspiring novelist, and so one purpose of this blog is to allow me to flex those writing muscles.  (See, I have these visions of my life as a famous blogger and novelist. I imagine I’ll be profound and inspiring, and cultivate legions of faithful readers.) But then I wake up and realize – I need to let go of the Julie/Julia fantasy. Big Sigh. Regardless, I’m here to share My Journey through this crazy little thing called Life.  And if you Peeps like what I have to share, well, cool.
The current theme of My Journey is “Regain my Mojo”.  Yes.  Mojo.  That certain something that I KNOW I used to have.  Before I became Scroogy, I was Steamy, Smarty, Sagacious (google it)… I  danced with cute guys at clubs, flirted with co-workers, dated and mated, and then once I met Hubby I was romantic, randy, kinky even… I was an A student, favorite of many teachers, I was quickly fast-tracked and promoted at nearly every job I ever had… I made friends who consistently sought out my advice or company… That Mojo.  Its lost.
This Scroogy version of me is bored and boring. My wardrobe consists of sweatpants and stained tee-shirts and old beat up sneakers. I spend more time in my recliner than outside.  I relate more to book and TV characters than to my own loved ones.  I text and FB instead of meet and greet.  I barely do more, beautywise, than run a brush through my hair and slap on some chapstick.
So, My Journey is one of self-revision.  I am losing weight (45 lbs so far) and need new clothes, so I will remake my closet to include more sex and less slob. I will focus more on exercise and activity, so I will shake my moneymaker and get a move on.  I will take my kids to the park, the nature trail, dance class. I will make time to visit my mom, my brother, my aunts, uncles, cousins.  I will have playdates with my girlfriends and date-dates with Hubby. I will take care of myself and actually wash my face before bedtime, use wrinkle cream, floss. I will rediscover my love of all things girly like lipstick, eyeliner, body lotion.
Who’s with me, Peeps?

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